Phone: +61 415 430 485
Location: Sydney. Travels nationally and internationally.
Accredited Member
Teachers, School students, Tertiary students, Adults, Corporate, Mixed family, Seniors, Community groups, Retreat groups, Special Events and Conferences, Museums and Art Galleries
Personal, Sacred, Humorous, Other lands/cultures, Myths & Legends, Folk tales, Fairy tales, Life stories.
Christine Carlton believes in the power of Storytelling to engage, affirm and transform the human spirit. She freelances in the areas of Storytelling, Drama and Creative Arts in Education, Community Development, Spirituality, Retreats and Creative Facilitation.
She travels throughout Australia and overseas enabling people to explore possibilities for their own creativity and leadership. In a number of capacities, she works with young children, youth and adults.
Christine conducts teacher in-service programs, workshops with children and adult storytellers, individual coaching, Creative Retreats and facilitates creative processes at state, national and international conferences. She lectured in Story and Drama in Education for over twenty years at the University of Western Sydney. She has also been a regular Storyteller at the Art Gallery of NSW.
As an experienced MC for Storytelling and Educational Conferences and special events Christine has enjoyed many international and cultural storytelling gatherings. She has also been convenor for all six “Weaving Stories Together” - Sydney International Storytelling Conferences.
Christine has devised and developed a special Project - ‘Storyfest’ - Values Education, Literacy Development and Nurturing Students' Self-esteem through Storytelling - Four to Six-week Storytelling Unit culminating in a whole School Storytelling Festival.
Author of ‘Storytelling Has A Life of Its Own’ in 'Drama Journeys', Currency Press.