'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference 6-8 June
to 8 June

'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference 6-8 June

  • Sydney International Storytelling Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our conference highlights the power of oral storytelling, fosters cultural exchange, and showcases the practical application of storytelling across diverse settings. We strive to provide a balanced mix of performance opportunities and educational workshops that facilitate skills development.

For more information go to https://australianstorytellers.org.au/conference2025

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'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference
to 8 June

'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference June 6-8, 2025.  Theme ‘Vibrant Voices - Storytelling Across Generations and Cultures'.

Information can be found at our webpage   australianstorytellers.org.au/conference2025

We are looking forward to the in-person gathering of storytellers for a nourishing, playful weekend that focuses on developing storytelling skills and networking.

Please pass on this information to your friends and others who may be interested in attending the Storytelling Conference. 
Bookings will be open late February

Start planning your trip to Sydney Australia.
Put the dates in your diary now!
Conference email: storynsw@gmail.com

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World Storytelling Day 2025 - Deep Water
1:00 pm13:00

World Storytelling Day 2025 - Deep Water

Join us for a melange of watery tales as we celebrate World Storytelling Day 2025. This year's theme of Deep Water gives our five storytellers a lot of latitude (and longitude!) so we'll hear stories ranging from serious to playful, from factual and fantastical, but above all, they will be memorable!

Suitable for ages 5-105 (children must be supervised)

Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre is an accessible facility

Cost: $20 or Member of AFTS or Australian Storytellers $15

Book Tickets via Humanitix
Joint event by the Australian Fairytale Society and Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Inc

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'Deep Water' - Online Story Swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Deep Water' - Online Story Swap

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

  • 7.20-9.00 pm  AEDT Sydney, Australia  - Daylight saving time. (check your timezone)

    Wednesday, 19  March 2025

    Free Online Oral Storytelling event 

‘Deep Water’

Plunge into the depths of storytelling where mystery, adventure, and intrigue await. From ancient myths of the sea to folktales whispered on moonlit shores, from personal stories of resilience to legends of hidden treasures. What secrets swirl beneath the surface—some meant to be uncovered, others best left undisturbed. Join us as listeners and tellers to dive into tales of Deep Waters.

If you would like to tell a prepared story in 5-6 minutes, email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a short story that focus on the theme of Deep Water.The stories are told, not read.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the Zoom link to attend the session

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'Where is the Sun?' - Story Swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Where is the Sun?' - Story Swap

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free Online Oral Storytelling event via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

The sun rises, sets, hides, blazes, and sometimes disappears—at least in stories. The tales will explore the many faces of the sun in myths, folktales, and personal narratives. From ancient legends of stolen sunlight to stories of golden dawns and fiery tempers, these stories illuminate the ways the sun shapes our world and our imaginations. Join us as storytellers weave tales of warmth, wonder, and mystery—where the sun is lost, found, chased, and cherished. Whether shining bright or slipping away, the sun is never just a source of light; it’s a symbol, a force, and a character in its own right.

If you would like to tell a prepared story in 5-6 minutes, email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a short story that must include the ‘Sun’. in part of the story.

The stories are told, not read.

Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the Zoom link to attend the session

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Afternoon Tea and Stories
2:00 pm14:00

Afternoon Tea and Stories

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Person event hosted by Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

Gather in Manly at a storytelling member's home for afternoon tea and sharing of stories. This gathering we will be remembering and celebrating the life of Dianne Minter who died recently. Dianne was a long-time member and a past President of the Storytelling Guild. Meet other storytellers, and enjoy some good stories and delicious treats.

Come as a teller or listener. To know the numbers for the day, please express your interest in attending by emailing  info@storytellersnsw.org.au with 'Afternoon Tea and Stories' in the topic box. You will then receive all the relevant details.

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'Who knew what would happen next?' - oral storytelling
7:20 pm19:20

'Who knew what would happen next?' - oral storytelling

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

'Who knew what would happen next?' - Story Swap

Free Online event via Zoom

Join us for a storytelling session featuring tales that include the phrase "Who knew what would happen next?"
Every story will surprise the listeners with the unpredictable, from suspenseful mysteries and heartwarming personal stories to humourous misadventures and fantastical journeys.
The stories could be from legends, fairytales, personal experiences or historical adventures. 

If you would like to tell a prepared story in 5-6 minutes, email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a short story that must include the words  "Who knew what would happen next?" The stories are told, not read.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the Zoom link to attend the session

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"They all saw it" - oral storytelling
7:20 pm19:20

"They all saw it" - oral storytelling

Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

  • 7.20-9.00 pm  AEDT Sydney, Australia  (check your timezone)

Free Online event 

Join us for a storytelling session featuring tales that include the phrase "they all saw it" where the audience will be invited into a world where shared experiences of wonder, terror, or revelation bind the characters together. The stories could be from legends, fairytales, personal experiences or historical ventures. We could move from eerie encounters to jubilant celebrations or simple humourous moments that will never be forgotten.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.comto be put on the list to tell a short story that must include the words "they all saw it".  The stories are told, not read.

Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link to attend the session

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Afternoon Tea and Stories
1:30 pm13:30

Afternoon Tea and Stories

  • Manly, NSW (in person)

  • Bring a plate

  • Hosted by Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

Gather in Manly at a storytelling member's home for afternoon tea and sharing of stories. Meet other storytellers, enjoy some good stories and delicious treats.

Come as a teller or listener. To know the numbers for the day, please express your interest in attending by emailing  info@storytellersnsw.org.au with 'Afternoon Tea and Stories' in the topic box. You will then receive all the relevant details.
We would love you to join us.

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'Stories of Kindness' - Story Swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Stories of Kindness' - Story Swap

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free Online event via Zoom

This gathering will be a time for sharing folktales, personal experiences, and historical accounts about acts of kindness. Each story, whether about small acts or heroic gestures, will celebrate the power of compassion and empathy and how they bring individuals and communities closer together.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.comto be put on the list to tell a story with the theme of ‘Stories of Kindness’. The stories are told, not read.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link to attend the session

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Hats Off! - Stories about Hats
7:20 pm19:20

Hats Off! - Stories about Hats

  • Free online oral Storytelling (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The September story swap needed to be postponed until our October gathering. Our theme for the story swap is stories about 'Hats.'

Every hat has a story to tell. Join us for a story swap that will include folktales, legends, personal stories and creative fiction about the diverse world of hats. From ceremonial headdresses with ancient rituals to whimsical fashion statements and practical safety gear, each story will explore the rich symbolism and history or the magical whimsy embedded in these everyday accessories.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.comto be put on the list to tell a story with the theme of stories about hats.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link to attend the session

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Visioning and Planning Day
10:00 am10:00

Visioning and Planning Day

  • Online event via Zoom Sydney Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Visioning and Planning Day

Dear NSW Storytelling Members,
We invite you to enrich our Storytelling Guild by sharing your ideas for activities over the next year. Come and connect with fellow members who share a passion for the art of oral storytelling. 

If you have skills that could enhance our group's presence and impact—such as technical expertise in online platforms, video production, podcasting, marketing, PR, fundraising, graphic design, photography, or connections with diverse cultural groups—your talents would be greatly valued. Bring your creative and innovative ideas to the day and help us shape the future of our storytelling endeavors.

Date: Sunday August 25th 2024
Time: 10am-2pm
Where: Online via zoom

*  If you have any questions contact Christine Carlton at Australian Storytellers at   info@storytellersnsw.org.au

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'Wisdom of the Elders' Story Swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Wisdom of the Elders' Story Swap

  • Online event via Zoom Sydney Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free Online Storytelling

This month our theme for the story swap is stories about 'Wisdom of the Elders'

The storytelling session will celebrate the rich tapestry of folk tales, personal narratives, and cultural insights passed down through generations.
Whilst the folktales and stories may be diverse in their origins, many share a common theme of valuing the insights and lessons provided by elders. They reflect the universal respect for the wisdom that comes with age and experience.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story with the theme of stories about the wisdom of elders.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix  to receive the zoom link to attend the session.

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Storytelling tips, games and techniques & AGM
10:30 am10:30

Storytelling tips, games and techniques & AGM

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, 20 July 2024  10:30 am - 12:30 pm

  • 10.30am-12pm - Storytelling Tips and Games 

  • 12pm-12.30pm -  Annual General Meeting

  • Zoom, hosted by Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc.

1. Explore some storytelling tips and techniques, and network with members. 

Join us for some effective storytelling tips and games and networking followed by the formal AGM.  This is time to have fun, be creative and learn some simple skills.

2. Be a part of the Action Committee and nominate for the 2024-25 Committee at the AGM!

Can't make it to the AGM? Use the Proxy Voting Form 

Members if you can't attend, you can nominate a Proxy to vote for you at the AGM. Download and complete our Proxy appointment form. Note: this form is ineffective unless it is emailed to Dee Palanisamy, Secretary of Australian Storytellers before 9am on the day of the Annual General Meeting, 20 July 2024. Proxy forms must include the date on which they were made.
Email your forms to Secretary -Dee Palanisamy at info@storytellersnsw.org.au

More information

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Raining Stories - online storytelling
7:20 pm19:20

Raining Stories - online storytelling

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Raining Stories 

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

This month our theme for the story swap is stories about 'Rain'

From the gentle patter of summer showers to the raging fury of storms, rain has always inspired countless stories across cultures and time. Our session will feature a tapestry of folktales, myths, legends, and personal stories bringing to life the magic and mystery of rain.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story with the theme of stories about rain.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix  to receive the zoom link to attend the session.

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Fishing for Stories - Story Swap
7:20 pm19:20

Fishing for Stories - Story Swap

This month our theme for the story swap is stories about fish or fishing.

Join us for an evening of enchanting narratives, where the waters come alive with stories of fish and the art of fishing. From ancient folktales to modern-day adventures, immerse yourself in a world where every catch holds a tale waiting to be told.

We may encounter some enchanted waters where magic fish swim and grant wishes to those bold enough to seek them. We could journey through time and hear of daring fishing expeditions that shaped history, or a fishing enthusiast may even tell a first-hand account of their most memorable moment catching a fish "this...... BIG!"

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story with the theme of stories about fish or fishing.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link

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Storytelling Concert. - Epping NSW
2:30 pm14:30

Storytelling Concert. - Epping NSW

Join us for an entertaining afternoon Storytelling Concert.

Saturday, June 1st 2024. - Hosted by the Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

Tellers: Kiran Shah, Christine Carlton, Dee Palanisamy, Christine Greenough, Leanne Logan, Priti Modyiyer

If you have friends in Sydney let them know about the event. Share the information. Come yourself and invite neighbours.

Date and time June 1st, 2.30-4.00pm

Venue: Boronia Grove Community Centre, 40 Victoria Rd, Epping. (The best entrance is from the Rawson Street carpark which is next door to Coles. The building is at the end near the park. Free 2 hr parking)

Cost- $15
Bookings: https://events.humanitix.com/storytelling-concert-epping-nsw

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Storytelling Workshops
9:00 am09:00

Storytelling Workshops

Develop and extend your storytelling skills. Whether your audience be children or adults there are workshops suitable for you.

Share ideas, explore new possibilities, and watch and listen to professional storytellers who are passionate about the power of storytelling to entertain, educate and build community.

Enjoy a concert following the workshops. See the storyteller’s skills being put into action.

Organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

Bookings: Humanitx

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 'One Day Wonder'- Storytelling Conference
9:00 am09:00

'One Day Wonder'- Storytelling Conference

  • Boronia Grove Community Centre, Epping NSW (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One Day Wonder! -Storytelling Conference

A conference for adults focusing on storytelling skills and stories for different audience groups. Choice of workshops in morning & afternoon sessions followed by a Storytelling  Concert.

  • In-person event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

  • Skills development for effective oral storytelling

  • Networking

  • Tasty soup and rolls lunch

  • Venue in Sydney:- Boronia Grove Community Centre. 40 Victoria Street, Epping NSW  

    Excellent access by public transport - Train, Metro, Buses,... also for drivers it is close to the M2 motorway.

  • Invite people who may be interested in attending to join the Australian Storytellers for a discount to this conference and other events we offer.

  • Cost: Adults - $150, NSW Storytelling Guild members -$120, Tertiary students, seniors and concession card holders - $90

  • Bookings Humanitix

* * Information about the workshop descriptions and presenters


9.00 Registration and cuppa

9.20 Welcome and connection - ‘Stories from the Hat’

10.00 Workshops Session 1.

1A - Collaborative Storytelling with Young Children - Leanne Logan

1B - Stories From Your Heart - Personal Stories - John Hockney

11.45 LUNCH - Soup and rolls

12.30 Workshops session 2.

2A - Crafting a Companion: How to Make and Use your Own Puppet Storyteller - Jill Webster and Brenda Bogroll

2B - Vital Voice - Bringing Life to Your Words - Julia Longford

2.15 AT

2.35 CONCERT - 7 tellers

4.00 Close of Conference

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'Stories of Falling' - story swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Stories of Falling' - story swap

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • Free online Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

Join us for ‘Stories of Falling’ where falling is not just about gravity's pull but also about the heart's tug, where every fall could lead to profound discoveries or hilarious moments to remember.

There may be stories about the exhilarating plunge of falling in love to the humbling stumble of falling off a bike. Maybe it's the gentle descent of falling leaves in autumn or the unexpected allure of falling under someone's spell. Whatever story is told whether from lived experience, the historical fall of empires or from the magic and resilience of characters who stumble in folktales, or the deception and betrayal experienced by those who ‘fell for it’, this will be a storytelling session for laughter, reflection and discovery.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story with the theme 'Stories of Falling'

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link 

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'Spy Stories' - story swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Spy Stories' - story swap

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

'Spy Stories' - story swap

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

Will the stories shared in this story swap invite us into the shadowy world of espionage and intrigue with tales of a diverse cast of characters - daring agents, cunning double-crossers and enigmatic figures lurking in the shadows?  It could be that James Bond, Mata Hari, The White Mouse or other fictional or historical figures will feature in the adventures of those who spy on the world. 

… or will the stories recapture times of a family road trip where the family played “I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter….” Perhaps there will be stories of how curiosity was evoked and discoveries made when spying through a spyglass or microscope.

Whether the tales be fact, fiction, folktale or fable join us as we journey into a world of secrets, suspense, unexpected twists or delightful discoveries.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story with the theme 'Spy Stories’

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link 

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Across Borders
9:30 pm21:30

Across Borders

FEAST (Federation of Asian Storytellers) and the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) are presenting a special showcase, 'Across Borders'.

This is a wonderful collaboration by two enthusiastic Storytelling Associations that encourage and support Oral Storytelling.


From Australia NSW - Jodi Edwards -South Coast -Illawarra, Michael Patterson - Blue Mountains, Zanette Burr - Far South Coast

From FEAST - Debjani Bhaduri - India, Rachael Smith - Hong Kong, Krupa Vinayagamoorthy - Singapore

Monday 8th of April,—7.30 -9pm Singapore time. - 9.30-11pm Sydney time

See the time in your time zone here: https://tinyurl.com/AcrossBordersTime

All are welcome to this free event, but registration is needed to get the zoom link.

Registrations are made through FEAST. Go to https://feast-story.org/content.aspx?page_id=4002...

Come and enjoy cultural exchange and a variety of storytelling styles by these six storytellers.

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'Building Bridges' World Storytelling Day - online stories
7:20 pm19:20

'Building Bridges' World Storytelling Day - online stories

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Theme: Building Bridges

  • Wednesday, 20th March 2024

  • 7.20 pm  9.00 pm  AEDT Sydney, Australia (check your timezone)

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

Join us to celebrate World Storytelling Day which has the theme of ”Building Bridges”. We will enjoy a blend of folktales, personal stories, and historical tales. Narratives of connection, problem-solving, reconciliation, cultural exchange, understanding, and friendship can build bridges—both real and metaphorical. Stories connect the listener and the teller with each other, and there is power in those connections.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story with the theme 'Building Bridges'.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link

When you register online with Humanitix press the follow button to receive information about upcoming events.

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" You can smell it" - story swap
7:20 pm19:20

" You can smell it" - story swap

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

"You can smell it" - story swap

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

Each month we have a theme or a prompt for our story swap. This month we invite the tellers to include the following sentence in their story. - Either “You can smell it” or “You could smell it”.

The short 6-minute stories could be folktales, historical narratives, personal stories or new stories from the imagination.

So join us and be entertained by stories drawn from the rich tapestry of folktales that have been passed down through generations. Picture the aroma of ancient woods as you hear a tale of mystical creatures in deep forests or the scent of spices that accompany a narrative from distant lands where magic and adventure unfold.

History can come to life as you catch the whiff of ink and parchment, transporting you to pivotal moments in time, and personal stories of memories of childhood aromas of the home, people, events and places will invite us to reflect on our own memories.

The story does not have to be about smells but must include a smell and use the prompt sentence.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. Your story could be a personal story, myth, legend, or folktale. 

This is a free online event  organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link

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'Tales of New Beginnings'
7:20 pm19:20

'Tales of New Beginnings'

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

'Tales of New Beginnings' - story swap

  • Free online Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

Join us for a diverse array of stories, ranging from personal tales of resilience to timeless folktales, historical stories, and legends and myths.
One story may be humorous and lighthearted recounting a person’s comical attempts at navigating the challenges of a new beginning, filled with quirky characters and unexpected twists.

Other stories may be folktales that share the theme of characters undergoing transformative experiences and finding new beginnings through their journeys and adventures. Perhaps there will be historical events or inventions that speak of the endless possibilities that come with new beginnings.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. Your story could be a personal story, myth, legend, or folktale. The focus is to be about 'New Beginnings'

This is a free online event  organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Humanitix to receive the zoom link

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'Celebrate Stories' - story swap
7:20 pm19:20

'Celebrate Stories' - story swap

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

What in life do we celebrate? What have characters in stories celebrated? Come and listen to fairy tales, folk tales, true tales about celebrating moments of achievement, challenges overcome, occasions of joy, and uplifting memories that call individuals and communities to rejoice.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. Your story could be a personal story, myth, legend, or folktale. The focus is to be about 'an occasion of celebration'.

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

Register on Eventbrite to receive the zoom link

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Afternoon Tea and Stories
1:30 pm13:30

Afternoon Tea and Stories

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

  • Manly, NSW (in person)

  • Bring a plate

  • Hosted by Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

Gather in Manly at a storytelling member's home for afternoon tea to celebrate the end of 2023 and the upcoming summer holiday season. Meet other storytellers, enjoy some storytelling and indulge in tasty treats with a cuppa. To know the numbers for the day, please express your interest in attending by emailing  info@storytellersnsw.org.au with 'Afternoon Tea and Stories' in the topic box. You will then receive all the relevant details.
We would love you to join us.

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'Discovered or Misplaced' - oral storytelling
7:20 pm19:20

'Discovered or Misplaced' - oral storytelling

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have you ever found an item that stirred feelings of concern, astonishment, or joy? Has a fictional character discovered a newfound wisdom or a hidden gem that altered the course of their adventure? Alternatively, has something been lost or temporarily misplaced and led to unforeseen repercussions?
Join us for a storytelling session where the theme is stories about memories or items that have been 'discovered' or' misplaced'. These can range from personal tales to historical discoveries, folklore and unexpected mysteries.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email, Christine Carlton, at  storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. (stories are kept short so that a number of people have the opportunity to tell)

Register on  Eventbrite   to receive the Zoom link

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW). Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

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WORKSHOP  'Your Story Stinks' -engaging the sense of smell in storytelling
2:00 pm14:00

WORKSHOP 'Your Story Stinks' -engaging the sense of smell in storytelling

Workshop: ‘Your Story Stinks’
In this pracitical and engaging online workshop, participants will explore how scent can enhance storytelling creating vivid and memorable stories that transport audiences to different worlds, evoke emotions, and bring characters and settings to life.

Christine Carlton, Australian Storyteller and Education Consultant travels throughout Australia and internationally. She offers workshops for teachers, children, adult storytellers, tertiary students, community groups, and organisations to enable them to tap into their creativity and give voice to their stories whether they be true, tall or traditional tales.

Delivered by Zoom - Zoom link will be provided
Cost: $25 (AUD)- NSW Storytelling Guild members, $35(AUD) - non-members
Bookings: Humanitix
Enquiries and expressions of interest: Email info@storytellersnsw.org.au

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'Found or Lost' - Oral storytelling
7:20 pm19:20

'Found or Lost' - Oral storytelling

  • 7.20-9.00PM AEDT (Check your timezones) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

'Found or Lost' - oral storytelling

  • Story Swap via Zoom hosted by Australian Storytellers NSW

Join us for stories centered around the theme of things ‘found’ or ‘lost’- tales of adventure, mystery, discovery or inspiration. - From forgotten heirlooms rediscovered in dusty attics to the heartache of losing something irreplaceable, or the search for missing artifacts in far-flung lands, or a journey through folktales and legends on a universal quest to find what was lost or stumble upon what we never knew was missing. 

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email, Christine Carlton, at  storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. (stories are kept short so that a number of people have the opportunity to tell)

Register on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

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'Gratitude' - Oral Storytelling
7:20 pm19:20

'Gratitude' - Oral Storytelling

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In preparation for World Gratitude Day we have chosen 'Gratitude' as the theme for this month's story swap. 
Join us for some captivating folktales, true stories, anecdotes, and parables that show the transformative impact of gratitude on individuals and communities in folktales and people's lives across different cultures and generations.

If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email, Christine Carlton, at  storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. (stories are kept short so that a number of people have the opportunity to tell)

Register on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link

This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.

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Tea, Treats, Tales
1:30 pm13:30

Tea, Treats, Tales

  • Australian Storytelling Guild NSW Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

  • Manly, NSW (in person)

  • Bring a plate

  • Hosted by Australian Storytelling Guild NSW

Gather in Manly at a member's home for afternoon tea to meet other storytellers, enjoy some storytelling and indulge in tasty treats with a cuppa. To know the numbers for the day, please express your interest in attending by emailing info@storytellersnsw.org.au with 'Tea, Treats, Tales' in the topic box. You will then receive all the relevant details.
We look forward to enjoying the three T's. - Pots of Tea, sharing delightful Treats, and listening to and Telling Tales. We would love you to join us.

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