What area of my storytelling would benefit most from one on one coaching?
Perhaps you have considered some of the following questions:
- How can I bring my story alive whether it be in the classroom, the boardroom, at the dinner table or performance on a stage.?
- How do I refine my story for an effective storytelling?
- How do I bring energy to my performance?
- How does the context, audience and place affect my performance?
- How do I effectively engage the audience?
- How can the use of voice, gesture and space enhance my performance?
- How do I portray different characters in my story?
- How do I transition from one story to another?
This session offers one on one coaching for participants in a very small group with one of the coaches and the opportunity to watch other tellers in their group receive coaching advice for their story.
If you have a story that you are currently working on, take this opportunity to develop your story and your performance skills. Places are limited so booking is essential.
Storytelling Coaches:
Christine Carlton, Christine Greenough and Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson.
These three Storytelling Coaches bring a wealth of experience to their performances and coaching. With backgrounds in Acting, Drama and Literature Education, Storytelling and Presentation skills, Adult Education, Environmental Education, Writing and Community Engagement they work with people of all ages.
Collectively they have had experience in performing in a wide variety of contexts including Conferences, Festivals and Cultural Events, Early Childhood Centers, Schools, Universities, Staff Development and Training Programs, Museums, Libraries, Nursing Homes and Retirement Villages.
Date and time: Saturday 20th May 2017
Time: 12.30 pm- 4.00pm
Doors open at 12.00pm come for a cuppa before start of workshop and bring own lunch.
Venue: Gladesville Community Centre, 44 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill
Cost: $50 members, $60 non- members
NB Spaces are limited so Bookings are essential.
Please contact Christine Carlton by Email storyaus@gmail.com or phone 0415 430 485 to secure your place.
Please also indicate i) the main area for which you wish coaching ii) your storyiii) the audience to whom you will tell your story.