Our friends at the Australian Fairy Tale Society are going online with their conference.
”This will be a conference unlike any other because we will be able to have people from all over Australia - all over the world! - attend our Zoom conference. We really couldn't have chosen a more appropriate theme than "Magic Mirrors: the seen and the unseen" for such a visual interaction.”
We will not be having an 8 hour/1 day conference, all sitting in front of our screens. Instead we will take advantage of being on the long weekend and have 6 sessions over the 3 days: 9.30-11.30am AEST and 2-4pm AEST on Saturday 6, Sunday 7, and Monday 8 June.
All this for a flat rate of $30, about a third of the usual cost, for nearly a third more content.
Bookings are now open for the 2020 virtual conference of the Australian Fairy Tale Society!
We are so looking forward to having our "biggest" conference ever. In the words of Robin Williams' Genie: "Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty-bitty living space!"