Fun and Formal - Story games and 2022 Annual General Meeting
Fun AND Formal - Join us for Story Games then the AGM
From story circles, to performances, workshops, and our biennial international conference, Storytellers NSW hosts a range of events throughout the year to let you experience oral storytelling and develop your own storytelling craft.
Fun AND Formal - Join us for Story Games then the AGM
Why let formality get in the way of fun?
Christine Carlton will be our host for some fun with Story Games before we get onto the formalities with the formal agenda. We hope to make the formalities as speedy as possible.
Click here to register to attend and receive your Zoom link
If you can't attend, we invite you to nominate a Proxy to vote for you at the AGM. Download and complete our Proxy nomination form. Note: this form is ineffective unless it contains the date on which it was made and is emailed to our Secretary, Kiran Shah before 9am on the day of the Annual General Meeting 17 July 2021.
Formal Agenda
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of 2020 AGM
3. Reports
a. Treasurer's Reports: Financial Report, Membership Report
b. President's Report
4. Recommendations for consideration
5. Election of Office Bearers (only financial members may vote)
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Action Group members
7. Association Incorporation Act requirements1
1. To conform with the Act, two members of the committee are to be authorized to sign that the Financial Statements have been presented to the Annual General Meeting
Stone Gnome Story Slam. The 12 Days of Christmas
Last month our theme was LOVE IS... But now it’s time for a Christmas themed celebration. Maybe you have a personal story, a fairytale or a folktale, myth or even legend about Christmas. Whatever your ♥story, we'd love to hear it. You maybe asked to insert a partridge in a pear tree or 5 golden rings into your story- what festive fun! So come and share your story with us on Zoom. Stories should be 8minutes or less.
Please let Lindy know if you wish to share your story by emailing
And if you'd just like to listen click on the link below
Australian Storytelling Guild is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Stone Gnome: 12 days of Christmas
Time: Dec 16, 2020, 07:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 878 7462 3094
Hidden Stories: Do you see what I see?
(Two-part online workshop on 2 Saturdays. Part 1 - Sat 14th, Part 2 Sat 21st November. 10am-12pm each day)
Discover and create stories and poems about people, places and strange happenings in paintings.
In this interactive online workshop, participants will use famous paintings as a stimulus for creative story-making. Explore different perspectives within the one image and be inspired to ignite your imagination to reveal the hidden stories found in the canvas.
Some stories discovered may unfold a mystery, speak of tragedy or triumph. Others may be playful, joyful, intriguing with unusual characters, foreign landscapes or surprising events
Participants are invited to work in small breakout groups and individually to stretch their imagination to develop their creativity, spontaneity and storytelling skills to awaken new stories to be told.
Workshop Leader: Christine Carlton
Organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW)
The Storyteller’s Gym Connecting Mind and Body for Creativity, Flexibility, and Compelling Communication with David Novak Usa.
This workshop presents a series of “storytelling workouts” focusing on different aspects of the storyteller’s mind and body including: breath control, physical and vocal flexibility, and mental agility.
At the end of the session, participants will be able to • Hone skills with a variety of skill-building exercises; • Examine stories from new perspectives; • Be mentally and physically ready for performance; • Improve creative thinking and problem-solving.
The Storyteller’s Gym was developed at East Tennessee University as a regular workout for graduate students in Communication and Storytelling in order to identify specific physical and cognitive skills required for effective story invention, interpretation, and presentation. These skills incorporate: • breath support, • physical limbering, • thoughtful articulation and vocabulary development, • playful problem solving, • imaginative exploration of stories, • creative agility for story invention.
David Novak tells stories to enhance learning, engage emotion, and find common ground. A performing and teaching artist with North Carolina A+ Schools, National Storytelling Festival, schools and stages across the nation. David's international tours include China, Australia, New Zealand, and the Czech Republic. A recipient of the Circle of Excellence from the National Storytelling Network and formerly Master Storyteller for The Disney Institute. David lives in Asheville, NC, and is a published author and recording artist.
Limited Spaces 25
Members $75
Members with Concession card $55
Non members with Concession Card $65
Non Members $120
Non members $120
Tickets on sale
A full day storytelling skills workshop with the fabulous Standup Storyteller, Actor & Director, Christine Geenough.
All storytellers, whether newbies, emerging or professional will gain skills & polish their performances with the multi-talented Christine Greenough. This workshop is an absolute must for those on their accreditation path and anyone wishing to learn more about the art of oral storytelling.
Chistine Greenough is an Actor, Director, Producer and above all a Storyteller with over 40 years experience in theatre, film and TV. She co-founded The Talespinners in 1997 (with Sue Alvarez) and has be telling stories to audiences from 3 to 103 throughout Australia, Asia and America. She loves to entertain and gets so much joy performing. But she also loves listening and being inspired by other Storytellers from all over the world.
Her workshop will be about finding the suitable story for you to tell from the page and presenting it to an audience be it on stage or in a space anywhere where an audience can gather. She will encourage you to delve into the story from all characters’ perspectives.
Deciding from
Who’s angle you are going to tell the story?
Why does this story make you want to tell it?
What you need to enhance the story (voice, physicality, props, costume etc)?
Where is it set?
When does it take place?
Limited Spaces 24
Cost: $55 Concession Card Holders
$70 Members
$95 Non members
Book Now Tickets
· Bus routes M20 and 301 stop at O`Dea Avenue near Bourke Street.
· Bus route 343 stops at Elizabeth Street near Joynton Avenue.
· Green Square train station is within walking distance.
Tales Told Live in March will feature several Storytellers NSW Members who will be telling stories before the audience and the accreditation panel. If you’d like to know more about the accreditation process click here. There will also be some open spots available- perfect for emerging storytellers to gain experience and to be seen by the accreditation panel.
Tales Told Live is an eclectic mix of stories, music, and spoken word presented the second Sunday of every second month (sort of) by Storytellers NSW at The Friend in Hand Pub in Glebe, 2pm-4pm. Personal stories, folk tales, tall tales, oral history, original stories, ballads. Interested in performing? Let us know!
For us at Storytellers NSW, stories are told, rather than read aloud or shown on a screen Storytelling is what happens when a story is told, face to face, eye to eye, mind to mind, heart to heart. The story is intimately known by the teller, spoken aloud, and shared, like a gift, with the audience. Known as the narrative oral tradition, storytelling is our first literacy. We invite you to join us and experience this oldest and living art form