Volunteers needed

Volunteers needed

Would you like to offer your skills and enthusiasm?

We are preparing for the 2025 ‘Weaving Stories together’ Sydney International Storytelling Conference and are looking for volunteers with skills and experience in: 

  • Seeking sponsorships and grants

  • Advertising and promotion

  • Seeking donations in kind e.g. wine, gifts, conference bags etc.

  • Social media and communication technology 

  • Particular experience with Squarespace and Mailchimp

Anyone with skills and experience to assist in the preparation and delivery of a quality International Storytelling Conference would be welcomed with open arms.

Pass on this request to others who may be looking to share their skills as a volunteer for a not-for-profit community storytelling organisation.

Contact:  Conference Convenors - 'Weaving Stories Together' - Sydney International Storytelling Conference.  storynsw@gmail.com

Call for Contributions for the 2025 'Weaving Stories Together- Sydney International Storytelling Conference'

Call for Contributions for the 2025 'Weaving Stories Together- Sydney International Storytelling Conference'

This is a call to all who love the art and practice of Oral Storytelling to put in a proposal for a workshop and/or performance and/or poster for the 'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference June 6-8, 2025.

Theme ‘Vibrant Voices - Storytelling Across Generations and Cultures'.

Submission forms and information can be found at our website australianstorytellers.org.au/conference2025

We are looking forward to the in-person gathering of storytellers for a nourishing, playful weekend that focuses on developing storytelling skills and networking.

Start planning your trip to Australia.

Put the dates in your diary now!



PRESIDENTS REPORT 2024   - Christine Carlton

Over the last year, the Australian Storytelling Guild NSW has organised and hosted numerous activities in-person and online. Members, their friends, guests, and visitors from interstate and overseas have enjoyed the hospitality and dedication of our committee members, who have provided excellent opportunities for skills development, mentoring, networking, and storytelling performances. 

Additionally, we have fostered international connections and collaboration in highlighting the power and relevance of Oral Storytelling. …..

Memories of  Barbara Castledine

Memories of  Barbara Castledine

I met Barbara early in 1997 at the NSW Storytelling Guild’s Conference held at Macquarie University. We were new members of the Guild, and keen to learn about the art of Oral Storytelling. We continued to meet every month at the Guild’s monthly workshops held at the Rozelle Writers Centre. We started telling our stories and discussed the effects our stories had on the audience and ourselves.
Barbara had a wonderful voice for Storytelling with her soft Scottish accent, and her imaginative, descriptive expression. Everyone loved listening to Barbara tell stories from all over the world. Barbara was a Librarian, so had many resources from which to discover intriguing stories.

Storytelling Games and Tips and AGM elections.

Storytelling Games and Tips and AGM elections.

During our Zoom Gathering for the AGM on Saturday, July 29th we started the day with some creative storytelling from participants. It is interesting what can be revealed about people when we shared 'Two truths and a lie' and creative explanations of various object gifts. Good fun and networking was further developed when everyone shared a storytelling tip that has improved their skills as oral storytelling performers. There were some little gems of wisdom.

President's Report 2023

President's Report 2023

PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2023   - Christine Carlton

The past 12 months seen many activities organised and hosted by the Australian Storytelling Guild NSW. Members, their friends and guests as well as interstate and international visitors have enjoyed the hospitality and hard work of committee members who have organised quality opportunities for skills development, networking and storytelling performance.

The major event that took a lot of time and energy in preparation was:-

Weaving Stories Together- Sydney International Storytelling Conference – GIVING VOICE TO OUR STORIES  JUNE 2- 4 WITH  2 Pre-conference Masterclasses— Convenors - Christine Carlton, Kiran Shah

  • Attendees came from throughout Australia including

Conference attendee Caroline Welkin shares some thoughts about the Conference.

Conference attendee Caroline Welkin shares some thoughts about the Conference.

Imagine a settlement of storytellers. A world of tales gathered in one place, sharing stories from their homes, their nations, and their hearts. Changing the world story by story. Some bring perspectives on peace, some bring lessons from history, journeys and transitions, personal anecdotes, culture, faerie folk. Hearts lift, smiles radiate, skills build in every workshop. This incredible conference was so welcomed back to a heart of Sydney by the Australian Storytelling Guild, New South Wales.

Once again, the story quilt was hung, the weaving began, and moments were woven into one amazing event