Sydney International Storytelling Conference, 27-29 May 2016

Sixteen workshops/ Six Poster presentations /Story slam / Storytelling concerts/ Story circles/ Impromptu story sharing International delegates attended 3 full days of events.

Here’s what they’ve been saying on social media:

I had the most wonderful couple of days at the International Storytelling Conference this weekend - storytellers from all over the globe talking, singing, laughing, leaping, weeping, wailing, pretending, playing ..Oh and, of course, telling the most wonderful stories. It was a privilege to be a part of it. – Kate

Thank you guys for sharing your wonderful insightful stories, laughter, depth of life and profound messages from all different culture. –Debbie

An energy packed weekend at the storytelling conference with talent, stories and love unlimited!!!. Harini

I am at Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016 and meeting some wonderful people and hearing some fabulous stories! I am so passionate about storytelling - listening and telling from the authentic Self! –Megan

It was fantastic. So many thanks to the dedicated, overworked organisers! – Jill

Never thank you enough! It was like an unexpected present in my life - Debbie

And the final words go to Margaret To those who were not at the festival, boy did you miss out on something wonderful and I would suggest when we find out about the next one you book in asap....wonderful wonderful wonderful – Margaret