World Storytelling Day

World Storytelling Day was celebrated on Sunday the 21st March at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney under the shade of a lovely old tree on a warm autumn day to attentive audiences.

Guild member, Jo Henwood has been organising this event for a number of years and was thrilled, not only to have the best weather but also the largest audience ever. Many families came for the first story and were still there for the last, three hours later. The theme for World Storytelling Day was epics and myths, and the audience were delighted by storytellers with stories from all over the world.

And our storytellers came from far and wide, the Blue Mountains, Newcastle, Central Coast and Sydney. Our storytellers were: Jo Henwood, Kiran Shah, Jill Webster, Dorothy Makasa, Karen Eastwood, Michael Patterson and Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson.

Thanks again Jo, for organising such a wonderful event.