Lunch and Tales - an afternoon to delight in stories and food.

Lunch and Tales - an afternoon to delight in stories and food.

Within the last month we have had two afternoons of ‘Lunch and Tales. Both were wonderful and popular days of good food and great stories.

Our welcoming hosts Christine Carlton and Sue Alvarez invited us into the world of story and conversation by starting the days with traditional tales and later entertained us with personal stories. 

The exciting aspect of this event is the invitation for anyone to share a story, a true or tall tale or a traditional or contemporary fiction or perhaps an historical story or small anecdote. The theme of ‘Travelling Tales’ was broad enough to ….

Blue Mountains Story Circle

Blue Mountains Story Circle

The Blue Mountains Story Circle recently held its second meeting. All present were welcomed to the BM Story Circle, under the auspices of the Australian Storytelling Guild, run by Jill and Kiran to provide an opportunity for Blue Mountain storytellers to share their craft, resources and learn from one another through stories and discussions….

Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there was a Kingdom hidden deep within a lush valley where a fire breathing dragon turned the very rock to molten steel. It was here, at the centre of the dragon's lair, that the clans would gather each year at the changing of the season when the leaves streamed red and gold from the trees, and the breeze scattered their richness across the land.

This magical valley was called The Kingdom of Ironfest.

Kiran In Kanoon; Kiran Shah's storytelling adventures in Iran.

Kiran In Kanoon; Kiran Shah's storytelling adventures in Iran.

Kanoon’s 21st Storytelling Festival in Tehran Iran 16-20 December 2018

I received confirmation of my acceptance to this festival when I was in Singapore in November. It was quite a surprise as I’d initially missed the September deadline (not entirely satisfied with my story based on the theme that was given – “My life story”). I then decided more than a month later to send my best wishes to Minoo Abdollahi, the organiser, and she replied asking me to send all my details (cv, photo, text and video of a story for children with a moral). This was sent in a real rush and I thought nothing of it.

Living Into New Stories- Liz Locksley

Living Into New Stories- Liz Locksley

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly.

If you're reading this, there's a fair chance that like me you want to make our world a more socially just and ecologically thriving world. Getting there will take superhero actions at multiple scales and spheres of influence - inside ourselves; in our homes, families and social lives; in our neighbourhoods and communities; in work and industry; and in governance, politics and social norms.

Under the Aalamaram International Storytelling Festival

Under the Aalamaram International Storytelling Festival

Welcome to Chennai
What a spectacular welcome to the Under the Aalamaram Storytelling Festival! Our International team of storytellers was met with trumpets and drums and beautifully dressed children in their traditional clothes. Flower lays were draped around our necks and our foreheads daubed with red vermillion as we were ushered into the school like visiting royalty.

Dark Enchantment: Hansel & Gretel. By Sandie Jessamine and Vibha Gulati

Dark Enchantment: Hansel & Gretel. By Sandie Jessamine and Vibha Gulati

Escape into Magic

Fairy tales allow us to escape into magic while still identifying with ordinary things: family, work, food. Most fairy tales show a happy ending, offering hope in times of darkness  - at least for some characters. They reassure us that evil can be contained and destroyed. It lives within witches, step mothers and monsters. Or does it? Perhaps what fairy tales really do is enable us to journey into the darkest most disowned parts of our psyches.