Nuts and Bolts and New Action Committee

We had a wonderful day on Saturday 22nd of July.  There were some little gems shared in our ‘Storytelling - Nuts and Bolts’ workshop which included activities to welcome and engage participants in a workshop, performance technique, using sound and gesture to precede the action or concur with the words to support and emphasise the gesture, simple story structures, what to consider when telling personal stories 

The workshop was followed by the AGM, election of new committee and collective humorous story about magic soup. And then of course we had soup for lunch.

The afternoon session was an open mic where we heard some wonderful tales from Rowlanda, Barbara, Michael,  Kiran, Judy, Christine, Lindy, Stephen

New Storytelling Guild Committee 2017/2018

President - Christine Carlton
Vice-President - Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson
Treasurer - Sandra Wigzell
Secretary - Lee Castledine
Minute Secretary - Marilyn Walker
Committee Members: 
 - Christine Greenough
 - Judy Mitchell
 - Kiran Shah
 - Barbara Castledine