President's Report

President's Report

President’s Report 2018-2019 Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson

The 2019 Guild year began with a questionnaire, painstakingly put together by the Vice President, Michael Patterson, to all our members. We were very happy that so many of our members took the time to fill it out and send through their ideas. The results of the questionnaire were looked at in detail at our Visioning and Planning Day.

Hot Pot Storytelling

Hot Pot Storytelling

A nourishing day of storytelling with a skills development workshop, AGM, the traditional telling of Stone Soup~with soup and Tales Told Live.

Our morning workshop was a lively affair with Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson warming us up with the energetic Amazing Alliteration Name Game. Then we enjoyed a few rounds of Ear to Ear,with Michael Patterson, practicing our storytelling listening skills with hilarious results. Jill Webster then had us embodying our inner witches and practicing the art of transformation. Christine Carlton exercised our imaginations, our listening skills, as well as our story creation skills with a fun round of That’s Right. Sue Alvarez ran the group through their paces with Emoting Storytelling Statues before Lindy finished with a Storytelling Gestures Exercise and discussion.

Nuts and Bolts and New Action Committee

Nuts and Bolts and New Action Committee

We had a wonderful day on Saturday 22nd of July.  There were some little gems shared in our ‘Storytelling - Nuts and Bolts’ workshop which included activities to welcome and engage participants in a workshop, performance technique, using sound and gesture to precede the action or concur with the words to support and emphasise the gesture, simple story structures, what to consider when telling personal stories