Good Food, Good Stories - What an Afternoon!

There was a great collection of people and many stories over two September weekends at “Lunch and Tales” on the Northern Beaches. “It was such great fun. I so enjoyed it ... a quality of story that reminded me of ‘family’ time.” was one participant’s response to joining with others for food and community storytelling.

What sort of stories were told? Stories from personal life and travel experiences, traditional tales and creative stories from our imaginations. Our hosts Christine Carlton and Sue Alvarez started with some stories and then invited us into a safe space where both experienced and novice tellers told stories to appreciative audiences who were eager to hear tales, poetry and improvised song from those who were sharing a delicious Thai meal together in a restaurant. 

The next Sunday afternoon of “Lunch and Tales” will take place in November. Do come along, bring some friends and perhaps tell a short story! 

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