Conference Postponed until June 2021

Sydney International Storytelling Conference 2020


The worldwide impact of the Covid-19 virus is calling for a strong and sensible response. We reluctantly, yet wisely announce that the ‘Weaving Stories Together’ - Sydney International Storytelling Conference will not go ahead this year and is postponed until June 2021. 

We have been able to secure the dates June 4-6 at the same venue for next year - 2021.

It was with great anticipation that we were moving towards a wonderful conference experience. The program promised an exciting range of workshops and performances as well as cultural exchange and networking. The conference program, workshop descriptions and bios of presenters are on this website if you wish to view what was being offered. Check the Green buttons on the Conference page.

We appreciate all the energy, effort and enthusiasm the presenters and our organising committee have given in preparing for the conference. 

What is the good news? We intend to offer the same program next year and hope that you would be happy to support us again next year.

Please put the dates June 4-6, 2021 in your diaries.