Holiday Tales

Our last ‘Lunch and Tales’ for 2019 was filled with celebration and laughter. ‘Holidays’ was the theme for the storytelling lunch. There were many anecdotes and little tales of awesome and challenging holiday experiences at all the tables. A newcomer said “ I have never been to a restaurant that is so alive and hopping with energy!” Yet we know when you put a group of storytellers and story listeners together there is bound to be a resonance and vibrancy of words and laughter as one story leads to another.

Thank you to our storytellers who told stories to the whole group. Some of the stories were playful and others were poignant and moving. 

Rob Waters told of the importance of storytelling to build connection with his university students;  Gary Bourke told the story of the healing power of a holiday for his wife who had  a brain injury; Renee Salaverry’s tale of grandmother responsibilities during school holidays was entertaining.  Sue Alvarez performed the delightful tale of ‘Hughie and the Silver Angel’ and shared about the time her husband won a trip to Denmark.  Christine Carlton told a personal story of summer school holidays ‘Delights, Disaster, Delights’, and with the assistance of Trish Watts, Christine also created a hilarious improvised story about Giovani going to Paris in search of his legless love. Trish then sang an improvised song which she entitled ‘Heat’.  Pauline Gilchrist told a moving story of a holiday leading to many other holidays with a life-long friend; and Steve Hartman took us to great heights with his trekking high altitude holiday tale.

It was a full afternoon, rich with good food and wonderful stories. Yet there was even more! The afternoon always finishes with the draw of many door prizes. Perhaps you will be a lucky winner at our next event and could go home with wine, chocolates, assortment of teas and biscuits, fragrant body lotion or other surprises. It all contributes to an entertaining community storytelling experience. ‘Lunch and Tales’  will continue in 2020.