The Power and Joy of Storytelling

The Power and Joy of Storytelling

One of the bright spots at the end of 2020 was my attendance at Christine Carlton’s online workshop ‘Hidden stories – Do you see what I see’.

The workshop I went to was attended by people from all over Australia and two people from Indonesia and Norway. In a year where storytelling was adversely affected due to Covid, this workshop reminded me of the joys of storytelling.

The workshop was…

Developing Stronger Presentation Skills

Developing Stronger Presentation Skills

What is storytelling? I thought the answer to this was simple; reading or telling stories. Throughout my internship with the NSW Storytelling Guild, I learn’t how complex and intricate the art of storytelling really is. It’s in no way simply reading fairytales, and although performances such as comedy or film could be considered storytelling in a sense, it is much more distinct as an art form in its own right.

A Story to Share

A Story to Share

Working with the Guild has been an eye-opening experience that has altered my perspective on the art of storytelling and what it means to share a story. This internship has allowed me to become a storyteller and perform to an audience for the first time. The experience made me feel confident and self-assured and allowed me to….

Conference Cancelled

 Conference Cancelled

The Sydney International Storytelling Conference Cancelled

The decision was made back in March to postpone the 2020 Conference due to the Covid-19 virus. We had hoped that the world would return back to normal and that the conference would go ahead in June 2021. However, since March much has changed globally and we have been challenged and invited to re-imagine a process for a virtual program. In doing so, it was decided by the organising committee that we could not just transfer the conference program with multiple workshops, performances and poster sessions to a digital event.

A Brand New Look for a Brand New Decade

 A Brand New Look for a Brand New Decade

A Brand New Look for a Brand New Decade

2020 caused the world to stop, reflect and experience new ways of living. 2020 propelled us into more localised lives while simultaneously flying open a world wide web of digital communications and international opportunities. We began experiencing the possibilities (and challenges) of breakfasting at home then zooming into a storytelling event in another country, hemisphere and time zone, and back in time for morning tea at our own dining table. Meeting storytellers in other lands without jet lag or exorbitant flight costs holds much promise. Or is it an illusionary magic mirror that evaporates the visceral pleasure of mirror neurons ignited through oral storytelling?

Breaking Out of My Reserved Shell

Breaking Out of My Reserved Shell

“As a Bachelor of Global Studies student majoring in Business at UTS, initially, I had little to no idea about the wondrous world of storytelling and what it entailed. My first-day meeting with the Storytelling team and the UTS interns was a delightful experience where we spent hours together in an induction session where we interns were welcomed with open arms on Zoom. This time that was spent together brainstorming and researching on our first day got us all incredibly excited about what the possibilities could be for reimagining the Storytelling conference for 2021……

2020 President's Report

2020 President's Report

Ah, the best laid schemes of mice and men and the Australian Storytelling Guild, NSW. In an alternate, covid free universe, we are gathered around supping on soup, basking in the glory of another successful Sydney International Storytelling Conference at our AGM. Instead we find ourselves, alone at home, on Zoom. Yet still we remain connected by our mutual love of story and the internet.

Meet Storyteller Simona Galimberti from Bellingen

Meet Storyteller Simona Galimberti from Bellingen

Australian Storytellers NSW have members from all over this great sunburnt country and, as we could not come together at our conference, we thought it would be good to get to know one another here, and find out how other storytellers are using story to enrich their lives and the lives of others.

It is with great delight we introduce you to Simona Galimberti.

“Once upon a time, there was a girl by candlelight. It was deep in the centre of the Australian desert. Ok, that’s a tad romantic, but the desert is vastly enchanting.

Alice Springs, Arrante Country, Central Australia, NT. As she was home on her own, only her and the flickering candlelight, she wrote a vision in a notebook; to showcase community art works, stories and written pieces that spoke from their voice, those who express from their own voice within.

The North, West and East of Storytelling

The North, West and East of Storytelling

The weather is cool but we have some storytelling to warm you up from the inside. Below we have listed what's on offer over the next few weeks and stay tuned for some exciting online storytelling webinars and courses.
Membership renewals went out last week to those who are due, so check your spam and promotions folders if you haven't seen it.

Blue Mountains Storytelling Circle Sunday 21st June 2pm
Feast Online Thursday 25th June
Tangerine Elephant, Central Coast Sunday 28th June 12pm
The Online Stone Gnome Story Slam Thursday 9th July 7.30pm

Australian Storytellers: Voices from Down Under

Australian Storytellers: Voices from Down Under

Australian Storytellers: Voices from Down Under

Storytellers NSW were invited by The National Storytelling Network USA, to host a program of storytelling performances for their Virtual Storytelling Conference: Connected. Christine Carlton did a brilliant job relaying and clarifying the information coming from U.S, organising the storytellers, and being our Mistress of Ceremonies.